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To be eligible for publication with VintageLegal, authors must adhere to specific guidelines and formatting requirements. We accept research articles, case comments, blogs, and book reviews, and each submission must meet our standards of originality, proper citation, and clarity. Submissions should be well-researched, properly cited following the Bluebook format (19th Edition), and must maintain a high level of academic integrity. We also expect authors to format their work according to the guidelines provided for each category of writing. Only submissions that follow these requirements will be considered for publication and recognition on our platform.

Common format for all type of texts:

  1. Font: Times New Roman

  2. Size: 14 for headings, 12 for general content

  3. Spacing: 1.5

  4. Citation Format: Use Bluebook 20th Edition for all citations and references.

  5. Author Information: Include your name, course, year of study, and institution at the end of the file.

  6. Type of Document- Only .doc or word files accepted. Kindly do not submit PDF.


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